How To Obtain Loans In Nigeria Without Falling a Victim To Scams And Fraudsters
Every blessed day, you see adverts popping up on your screen advertising loans, telling you no collateral and no documents needed. Well, they may be correct, but there is no document greater than your BVN and your date of birth and your ATM card. Although most of the loans are certified and approved by the government through Central Bank of Nigeria, many people have complained about their methods of service. Some things People complained about are as follows, 1. Calling the relatives of the client even before the expiration of the loan. They go as far as calling the in laws, schools, offices of the debtor. This is an embarrassment to many people. If they do this only if they fail on your part, then that is another thing entirely. They call four to five days before the duration, especially if they are so much in need of cash to lend to others. 2. They usually charge exorbitant fees and some hidden charges which you may not even be aware of until you are fully into the agreem...